Family & Individual Support


Our Support Services

We offer a full range of services from in home early intervention programs for infants with developmental delays to job training and assistance for adults with disabilities. Our staff are here to connect those with developmental disabilities to the services and support they need to fully live, work and participate in their communities.

Once eligibility for services is determined, an SSA (Service & Support Administration) is assigned to each individual as the primary point of coordination for services and supports. The SSA is your trouble shooter, problem solver and advocate. He or she helps coordinate services, finding providers for an individual/family, community employment and community connections.

Find out more about eligibility within the Services by Age.

young girl in dress shelby county dd

Birth–Age 2

We help ensure your child develops to his or her full potential through Early Intervention programs, family support and specialized therapy.

student from Ft Loramie branch of Shelby Hills preschool poses in frame that says "preschool graduate"

Ages 3-5

Young children learn best when interactive play is focused on their needs. Our preschool and additional early support programs are designed based on your child’s ability.

middle school aged boy

Age 6–High School Graduation

We provide school support, recreation opportunities and additional resources to help your child transition into adulthood.

disabled adult in shelby county dd fashion show


Whether it’s employment, housing, transportation or recreation, we believe all adults with disabilities should have the support and opportunities they need to fully live and participate in their communities.

Still have questions or need more information? Talk to one of our resource specialists today.