There are few places in any city or town where people of all kinds can gather together to share a beverage or have a meal. These establishments become the cornerstones of our community where all are welcome and can expect to enjoy great food at reasonable costs. The Spot is this type of place for Sidney, Ohio. Whether they are serving a President of our country (George W. Bush) or providing an opportunity for employment to a person with a disability, The Spot provides a welcome atmosphere to visitors and regulars alike.
Brief History and Current Ownership
The Spot Restaurant started back in 1907 founded by a man named Spot Miller. Spot brought his chuck wagon into town and set-up business at the corner of Court Street and Ohio Avenue in Sidney, Ohio. The city would not allow Spot to sell meals this way. His solution was to remove the wheels, and add some awnings to create a permanent structure. The Spot’s ownership and structure would change several times over the next 90+ years, but you can still find The Spot on the same corner it started on in Downtown Sidney.
Michael Jannides is the current owner of The Spot and has been the sole owner since 2002. He employs approximately 30 people at his diner-style restaurant. Those who have eaten at The Spot are likely to argue between burgers, malts, or homemade pie for what food The Spot is best known. They are open seven days per week serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Opportunities for All
Over the years, The Spot has hired many people with disabilities in a variety of positions. Whether someone has worked for years in a different type of job or a person has no experience working in their community, The Spot is always willing to bring in prospective employees to see if they may be a good fit for the food-service industry. The owner, management, and staff all welcome new employees and are quick to find/create accommodations for workers with disabilities. Currently, The Spot employees three workers who are supported by the Shelby County Board of DD (SCBDD).
As an advocate for workers with disabilities, owner Michael Jannides will be presenting at the SYNERGY Conference in October with one of his employees (Ana) who is supported by SCBDD. Michael will be there as a support to Ana and to act as a resource for other businesses that may be interested in hiring workers with developmental disabilities. A video of Ana working at The Spot can be seen here:
Please join us in thanking Michael and The Spot for their contributions by congratulating him on this honor.