Congratulations to Laurie Hughes! You are the Shelby County Board of Developmental Disabilities provider of the month for February 2023! Pictured above is Laurie with her client, Mary. Laurie has worked with Mary for 3 years. Mary says she loves working with her. Laurie is very dedicated and dependable. She keeps busy and always makes… Read more »
Congratulations to Amber Sommer! You are the Shelby County Board of Developmental Disabilities provider of the month for November 2022! Amber is an amazing advocate for the individuals she works with. She helps them achieve goals and do what they want in their lives. Amber goes above and beyond to assist in anyway she can…. Read more »
Congratulations to Mary Rodriguez! You are the Shelby County Board of Developmental Disabilities provider of the month for June 2022! Mary Rodriguez has worked off and on with the Shelby County Board of Developmental Disabilities for approximately 21 years. She began her career in the DD field by providing transportation services at SCBDD. She left… Read more »
Congratulations to Jessica Elliot! You are the Shelby County Board of DD’s provider of the month for February 2022! Jessica Elliott has worked at S&H Products since April of 2018. She is a great coworker and always willing to try new things with the individuals she works with. She advocates for individuals and empowers them… Read more »
Congratulations to Amanda Stout! You are the Shelby County Board of DD’s provider of the month for August 2021! Amanda has worked in the DD field for 9 years. She worked as a Program Supervisor for 1 & 1/2 years. When asked what a good day at work is, she said “A good day at… Read more »
Congratulations to Riley Snyder! You are the Shelby County Board of DD’s provider of the month for July 2021! Riley has worked in the DD field for about 6 years and as an independent provider for 2 years. He is compassionate and wants the best for the individuals he works with. Riley is very calm… Read more »
Congratulations to Alicia Howard! You are the Shelby County Board of DD’s provider of the month for June 2021! Alisha goes above and beyond in supporting individuals. She works tirelessly to ensure the health and safety of the people whom she serves. That is why we are so impressed with her level of dedication! Alicia… Read more »
Congratulations to Elizabeth “Betsey” Nave! You are Shelby Co Board of DD’s Provider of the Month for May 2021. Betsey shares a positive energy with all of her clients. She promotes each client’s unique goals and outcomes. Betsey is also great with connecting to her clients. She really gets to know each and every one… Read more »
Congratulations to November’s Provider of the Month, Alexa Mason. Alexa became a provider after leaving Adult Day Service program to focus on individual care. Alexa jumped into becoming a provider a year ago and has excelled with her business; she is very organized and efficient with her work. Alexa has connected so well with her clients… Read more »
Congratulations to October’s Provider of the Month, Brad Pleiman. Brad has been an Independent Provider for 18 months and enjoys working with Ryan. The two of them enjoy playing cards and getting out in the community to explore different options. Brad will often call or stop in to check on Ryan in his off time just… Read more »