The Community and Support Services Department would like to recognize our providers who go above and beyond for the people they support. Starting in October and each month after, we will spotlight a “Provider of the Month”. Nominees will be selected by vote from submission forms received the previous month. Just a small token of our appreciation for all that you do for the people in Shelby County!
Congratulations to November’s provider of the month Monica Boerger. Monica has been providing supports to people with disabilities since 1993. Her co-workers at CRSI say she is awesome and takes care of the housemates like family. Monica is kind, caring, and genuinely cares for the people she supports. SSA’s who have worked with Monica over the years say she always makes sure everyone is well dressed, clean, up to date with medical appointments, and ensures the house is clean. Her favorite memory is when she took four ladies on a cruise, which they still talk about to this day!